Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Retrieval cues- discussion

Retrieval cues- discussion

Q 1 - Look at the picture of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs below. How many of the dwarfs' names could you remember without looking at the link below the picture? What retrieval cues did you use? Were you successful? What else could you have done that may have helped? 2 - Now give a description of another situation where you needed to recall important information, such as test question answers. What retrieval cues did you use in that situation?

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. I could only recall two of the names. It has been many years since I have seen Snow White. I am able to recall their names by their faces. The dwarfs were used as the retrieval cue for identifying the names. I was able to find a connection that could help me to recall the names and specifically the two names which I had remembered very quickly.